Saturday, January 17, 2009

Project Linus for Kids; the Shawl Ministry for Grown-ups

On Monday morning, we received a phone call telling us that dear friends of ours, Amy and Sean, lost their 19 month old daughter, suddenly. Immediately my mind took me back to 3 years ago when we lost our sweet little Luke, suddenly. Such tragedies initially take their toll on our minds, our bodies and our spirits. They rob us of our ability to be alone with our thoughts. They remove our desire to put one foot in front of the other. They can even cause us to question our faith for a time. From the moment we received the call, we knew that this was the beginning of a very rough road for our friends and my heart ached. Although it has been 3 years, it felt as if it was happening all over again. But...then we realized that it HAD been 3 years and in that length of time we have come a long way. We knew we now needed to take what we had learned and help our friends. We needed to serve them as we had been served.

As you all know, Project Linus blankets offer comfort and security to those going through a crisis. Through the events of this week, I have been reminded that Project Linus came to our family's rescue 3 years ago. Our lives fell apart a week before Make a Blanket Day (our busiest event of the year) yet volunteers came forward and made it all happen without a glitch. Luke's twin brother Logan received a Project Linus blanket when he lost his brother and another one when he was in the hospital having surgery to manage the condition that took the life of his brother. Then, our son Alex received a Project Linus blanket when he also had surgery for the same condition. They received comfort from these special blankets and we were comforted by the love and support offered by those who served us in such a very special way. In addition a dear blanketeer made a special gift for me - a shawl as part of the Prayer Shawl Ministry. In a nutshell - a person handmakes a prayer shawl, not knowing who the recipient will be. She prays for the recipient as she makes the shawl. Then, when the opportunity arises, she presents the shawl to someone in need.
I was the recipient of such a prayer shawl. As a Project Linus blanket recipient wraps the blanket around his or her shoulders and receives a hug of comfort - the same is true for a prayer shawl. The only difference is that Project Linus is for kids and a prayer shawl is for grown-ups. As I wrapped my shawl around my shoulders I felt the love, the prayers and the concern of the person who made the shawl. I truly felt it comfort me and heal me.

When our friends saw their sweet little daughter in the Emergency Room - she had been given a Project Linus blanket. They had the blanket on display at the funeral and placed it over her chair at home. I'm so glad that Project Linus was there for them in much the same way it was there for us. I believe it brought them comfort to know how much they are loved. Each brother and sister as well as five cousins received Project Linus blankets. One of Tori's sisters said that their Project Linus blankets are for them to wrap around their shoulders when they miss Tori. I know that the special hug of comfort that they feel brings them closer to little Tori for a moment. That's a good thing. As for the prayer shawls, I always have one shawl "ready to go" for a time when it's needed. For some reason, this time, I had two. I was able to give Mom - Amy and Grammy - Soni a shawl to comfort them as well. I hope that as it holds them, it eventually will help to heal them, as it did me.

I'm so grateful that Project Linus has given me the opportunity to serve others during times of crisis in such a personal way. We hear from parents all over the country how blessed they feel when their child receives a handmade treasure from someone they don't even know. They are grateful to know that others care about them and want to help ease their pain. Of course, we can't take away the pain, but I know that when we wrap a blanket or a shawl around our shoulders - the comforting hug we feel can take our thoughts to a better place, reestablish our desire to put one foot in front of the other and reminds us of our faith.

We can't change what has happened, but we can offer service to those going through such a difficult time. In addition, when we offer service we are able to forget ourselves and focus on others. I have found that when I am able to focus on the needs of others it helps to heal my own soul. I feel like I've reached some milestones in our "healing process" this week. That is also a good thing.

Our love to Amy and family and Soni and family.
