Sunday, December 7, 2008

Welcome to our BLOG!

Things certainly have changed since our chapter first began in January of 1999. It's our 10th anniversary and I wanted to share how things have changed.

1. In 1999 I had an e-mail address, but I never checked it. BLOGS didn't exist.
2. In 1999 our chapter donated 98 blankets to seriously ill and traumatized children.
In 1999 We had 1 recipient facility - Decatur Memorial Hospital. We also donated 25 blankets to the students effected by the terrible tragedy at Columbine High School.
4. In 1999 Project Linus National HQ was located in Denver Colorado and I never dreamed I'd serve on the National Board of Directors.
5. In 1999 we started our chapter with a volunteer base of about 12 blanketeers.
6. In 2009 I have e-mail that I check dozens of times each day. Our chapter has a BLOG.
7. We will have donated over 40,000 blankets to seriously ill and traumatized children in Central IL
8. We have 20 regular recipient facilities as well as many individual children who have received blankets from our chapter for various reasons.
9. We have 3 major events each year - National Make a Blanket Day on the third Saturday of February, Fall Make a Blanket Day in September and our Appreciation Breakfast in December. We usually have over 150 volunteers in attendance at each event!
10. We now have over 500 volunteers!

So, as you can see, in 10 years Project Linus has grown by leaps and bounds. I will try to keep you posted on all of our Project Linus news through the BLOG and our newsletter (which comes out 3 times a year).

In the meantime - Project Linus Hugs to all of you!
Happy Blanketmaking!